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Your propane gas gauge is located under the dome at the top of the tank. Reading your propane gas gauge is not complicated. 你会看到粗体的黑色数字包围量规和一个单一的指针针. The pointer will indicate a number that represents a percentage.
Due to the physical properties of propane, 油箱被认为满了80%(考虑到丙烷蒸气的膨胀)。. A propane tank is in IMMEDIATE NEED of refilling at 20%. 为了您的安全和保护,最好在仪表低于20%之前将油箱加满.
Look at the gauge attached to the tank with numbers from 5 to 95. The numbers indicate the percentage of gas in the tank. 如果你的油箱的压力表范围是0-300,那就是压力而不是百分比.
Explore some common myths about propane – and the truth behind them.
Fact: Propane is a liquid when stored, and when released into the air, it vaporizes and dissipates with no ozone-harming effects. This means it cannot contaminate groundwater, drinking water, marine ecosystems or sensitive habitat if released.
Fact: In the U.S.在美国,用于发电的主要能源是天然气和煤炭. Once electricity is generated by a primary energy source, it must be immediately transmitted through power lines. As it travels from its generation source, 流过电力线的电子遇到阻力而失去能量.
Fact: Thanks to the Propane Education & Research Council commitment to manufacture propane from renewable sources, 生物柴油精炼厂可以从动物脂肪和食用油中生产可再生丙烷,然后再将它们制成生物柴油.
Fact: When it comes to carbon emissions, propane is one of the cleanest. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows that in comparison to a few other widely used fuels, propane is one of the lowest in carbon emissions per million BTUs.
事实:液态丙烷的能量密度高于乙醇、甲醇和液化天然气. 这意味着使用丙烷燃料的车辆比大多数其他液体替代燃料行驶得更远.
Fact: Just like conventional vehicles, propane vehicles must comply with all applicable regulations, including Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Compared to gasoline and diesel, 丙烷具有较高的自燃温度(气体或蒸气在没有火花或火焰存在的情况下在空气中点燃的点)。, making unintentional autoignition much less likely.
Fact: According to the Argonne National Laboratory GREET model, 使用丙烷的车辆在整个生命周期内减少了近10%的温室气体排放. More than that, 丙烷汽车的氮氧化物(NOx)排放量比柴油车少36%, 在整个燃料循环过程中,丙烷汽车天然气乘用车的硫氧化物(SOx)排放量比电动乘用车减少70%,颗粒物排放量最多减少45%.
事实:丙烷燃料的碳含量比传统的汽油和柴油燃料低. 这就是为什么丙烷被列为1990年《加拿大28开奖规律》批准的清洁替代燃料.
Fact: You might be surprised to know that propane, made when methane is purified for commercial use, takes its place on the carbon continuum close to the renewables, 这就是为什么环保署指定丙烷为清洁能源替代品以及为什么在1992年的能源政策法案下丙烷被指定为清洁能源替代品.
事实:丙烷是一种用途广泛的替代燃料,在1992年的能源政策法案中被列为替代燃料. It is used in nearly 12 million U.S. households for residential purposes, and by millions of Americans for transportation, commercial, industrial and agricultural applications.
Download Propane Myths
雷暴会对全国各地的人民和财产造成严重威胁. In the U.S., over 100,000 thunderstorms occur each year. These storms, which can be accompanied by high winds, hail, and tornadoes, can cause power outages, fires, and flooding.
All thunderstorms produce lightning and should be considered dangerous. 在美国,闪电每年造成80多人死亡,300多人受伤.S.
If your home uses propane, 你可以采取一些简单的步骤来保护家人的安全,避免潜在的危险.
Contact your Piatt County Service Company Propane Specialist 有关准备应付雷暴及其他恶劣天气的资料.
Tornadoes can occur during any season of the year. In some cases, they can occur with little or no warning, bringing with them winds that can exceed 250 miles per hour. 每年,龙卷风造成大约70人死亡,1500人受伤.
Before, during, and after a storm, 有一些关键的事情要考虑,以保持你的家人和你的家尽可能安全.
Contact your Piatt County Service Company Propane Specialist 有关准备龙卷风及其他恶劣天气的更多资料.
任何季节都可能发生停电,从简单的不方便到, in some cases, a life threatening situation. Almost any type of weather-related event can cause a power outage, ranging from snow and ice storms to thunderstorms, hurricanes, and extreme heat.
Contact your Piatt County Service Company Propane Specialist 有关准备应付停电及恶劣天气的更多资料.
Know what’s below and call before you dig! 811 will not locate propane lines. 请在您计划挖掘前至少48小时致电您当地的FS丙烷专家,以便我们定位您的丙烷管线.
割得离丙烷罐太近可能会导致丙烷罐从混凝土块上撞下来, which could lead to gas line damage. 保持一段距离,以防止割草机的轮胎或其他部件接触到油箱.
Tank color should reflect sunlight to prevent over pressurizing. 我们认为明亮的白色罐与浅灰色的圆顶是丙烷罐的最佳外观!
烤架钢瓶应安装新型的过充保护阀. You can tell if it is an OPD valve by the shape of the handwheel. OPD valves will be a triangle shaped valve wheel.
Do your children know what propane smells like? Do they know what to do if they smell it? 参考丙烷安全小册子“抓和嗅”,并与您的家人沟通一个计划.
系统安全检查将需要完成,以确保您的系统没有泄漏,并确保您和您的家人的安全. If adding a new appliance, 一些新设备可以通过你的州丙烷气体协会获得安全丙烷设备回扣.
爬到丙烷罐上面玩可能看起来很有趣,但可能很危险. A pressure relief valve opens and releases high pressure gas, 这可能会导致严重的伤害,如果有人打开阀门的顶部看. Also, tampering with the gas line could result in a propane leak.
运输丙烷气瓶在你的车安全储存,直立,这样他们就不会掉下来, shift, or roll in transit.
Some propane containers are made for liquid withdrawal and some for vapor. 确保只使用为特定应用程序需求而设计的容器是很重要的. 不遵守本指南可能会导致财产损失或人身伤害.
Bushes and plants should be cleared out around propane tanks. Also, tanks should not be used to hang hoses, rugs, horse saddles, etc. on.
When transporting propane cylinders in any type of vehicle, do not smoke!
如果系统发生故障,丙烷调节器需要开放空间来适当地排气. 确保植物和灌木没有接触到你家或建筑物上的调节器.
每年,我们的能源司机都冒着天气为客户提供燃料和丙烷. It isn't always easy. For your safety, and theirs, we ask that you follow these simple tips.
Tanks can easily be buried in snow during the course of the winter. Mark your tank with an indicator. This makes it easier for your delivery driver to find and fill your tank.
If your tank reaches 30%, call us and schedule a delivery immediately. Even on an automatic scheduled delivery program, we need you to keep an eye on your levels, unless you have a tank monitor.
Don't let snow cover your regulator. Make sure it is clear of blowing and accumulating snow. Packed snow will impact the tank readings and can be a safety concern.
Your delivery driver can make up to 30-40 deliveries per day. Imagine all that cardio! 铲或雪吹到你的坦克的路径,以确保你的坦克被及时填满.
In order for our trucks to service you, 你必须犁和盐或砂车道,这样你的司机可以安全地进入你的财产. If the truck can't safely enter, your delivery can't happen. Also, salting sidewalks ensure your safety and the safety of others. 如果您正在寻找供应商,您可以直接从您当地的FS成员公司订购盐.
我们自豪地支持我们的客户,并尽我们所能在我们的市场上提供最好的服务. Please take a moment to follow these tips to help us serve you better.
Download Tips for Safer Winter Fuel Delivery